Words of Affirmation: 7 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed to Hear

Sometimes, we know we need something, but we don’t know what that thing is. You might find it here.

A person standing in nature with their hands under their chin and their face lifted upwards toward the sky, the background is a mountain range, she is meditative and thoughtful

In the journey of self-discovery and healing, there are some things we need to be told that will profoundly impact our perspectives and well-being. Here are five powerful statements you might not have realized you needed to hear.

1. “You are enough.”

Embrace Your Worth

In a world that often demands perfection, it’s essential to recognize that you are inherently worthy just as you are. You don’t need to meet unrealistic standards or constantly strive for more. Embrace the truth that your value is not determined by external achievements or societal expectations. You are enough, just by being yourself.

What does “good enough” mean to you?

2. “You are not to blame for what happened to you.”

Address Your Guilt

When traumatic experiences happen, especially in childhood, feelings of guilt and shame often accompany them. It’s crucial to acknowledge that the pain you endured was not your fault. You are not defined by your past; it’s a chapter in your story, not the entire narrative. Work to let go of self-blame, and recognize how resilient you are for making it this far.

What might serve you more than blame and shame?

3. “You deserve to be treated with love and kindness.”


People who experience trauma are often used to being treated poorly by those around them. In fact, being treated with respect can be triggering when it’s unfamiliar. If you’re healing, then understanding that you deserve love and kindness may be a big step in your journey.

How do you want to be treated?

4. “You are lovable.”

Finding Self-Love

When people experience abuse or neglect, especially as children, the natural place the brain goes is to believe there’s something wrong with me. If that sounds like you, it’s time to unlearn those harmful beliefs and start believing that you are lovable.

What are your favorite things about yourself?

5. “You are capable.”

Empower Yourself

While it’s true that trauma can make you feel powerless, the reality is that you possess the ability to create change in your life—and no one else is going to do it for you.

So many of us with trauma struggle with imposter syndrome. We think we’re not good enough or someone else can do it better. The next step to realizing that you have power is to start envisioning how you can use it—and just how capable you truly are.

When you take responsibility for finding and embracing your strengths, your growth will take off.

Where is your power?

6. “Your voice matters.”

Be Heard

In the process of healing, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of your voice—especially if you have been historically silenced.

Your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are valid. Embrace the power of expressing yourself and sharing your story, as it not only contributes to your healing but may also inspire and support others on their journeys.

How can you express yourself more authentically?

7. “It’s okay to ask for help.”

Seek Support

Acknowledging that you don’t have to navigate your journey alone is a vital step. It’s okay to ask for help when needed, whether from friends, family, or professionals. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness, and can significantly contribute to your overall well-being.

Who can you reach out to for support?

Final Thoughts: How to Use Words of Affirmations

Words of affirmation can be a powerful tool for some people on their healing journeys, because they provide a direction for them to move in. If some of these affirmations don’t work for you, that’s okay. It means you don’t need those ones. If others strike a chord or bring up powerful feelings, use those feelings as a sign that there’s something going on for you, and stay curious.

If you need to wind down after reading this article, consider using some coping skills for emotional regulation.

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