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Trauma-Informed Masterclass

Online Solutions for Individuals & Organizations

What to Expect

Whether you’re kickstarting or continuing your trauma-informed education, our virtual training programs can help. Our core training program, the Trauma-Informed Masterclass, consists of 8 2-hour modules.

Chefalo Consulting’s Group Norms


Class is a safe, judgment-free space where we assume the best in one another. Confidentiality allows us to be honest and vulnerable.

Commit to

Our conversations won't always have fairy-tale endings or neatly packaged answers. This work can be messy.
Our lived experiences, emotions, and beliefs are real, valid, and meant to be shared with others.

Seek Intentional Learning

We embrace mistakes since they are the hallmark of learning. Our goal during class is intentional growth and learning, never perfection.

In this class, we have hard conversations. We also learn how to ask for help and receive support from one another.

Embrace Paradox

Two things can be true at the same time. We resist black-and-white thinking that halts growth.

Learn Trauma-Informed Concepts

  • How to Identify & Respond to Trauma Responses

  • Creating Safety at Work & Other TI Values

  • Cultural Humility & Historical Trauma

  • Strength-Based Perspective Shifting

  • How to Build a Trauma-Informed Culture


Practice Trauma-Informed Skills

  • Engaging Workshops

  • Community Building Sessions

  • Breakout Discussions

  • Mindfulness Exercises

  • Q&A Sessions

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Embed Trauma-Informed Tools

  • Individualized Safety Plan

  • Self-Care Planning Kit

  • The Head-Heart-Gut Model

  • Community Meeting

  • Full Circle Meetings

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Chefalo Consulting’s Virtual Trauma-Informed Masterclass

  • Live training provides personalized sessions to meet specific needs

  • Access training from anywhere with an internet connection

  • Save time & money on travel expenses

  • Book private training sessions for your organization

  • Reserve an individual seat in our open Masterclass


Can’t make a class?

Receive a complimentary 1-on-1 catch-up session with your course facilitator. Courses are private and never recorded.

Booking for a group?

Contact us for discounted rates for groups of five or more. Private courses are also available.

“Shenandoah Chefalo provided a comprehensive, interactive, and fun training opportunity […] She was able to take a heavy topic, like generational trauma, and create an interesting, current, and engaging learning experience. We highly recommend Shenandoah!”

Dena R.,

Kansas Judicial Branch

  • What does “trauma-informed” mean?
    “Trauma-informed” describes a practice, system, framework, person, organization, etc. which uses a trauma-informed approach. This approach is complex and multi-faceted. The core idea behind the trauma-informed approach is this: We all have trauma. Our trauma impacts us. Let’s address it and heal from it. People and organizations come to this work from different places hoping to achieve different goals. Here are some examples of initiatives that our clients take, which are included in our trauma-informed training programs: · mindfulness · employee wellness · client wellness · DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) · trauma training · organizational change management · professional development & workforce development · leadership development & key staff training
  • How long does virtual training take?
    Our virtual Trauma-Informed Masterclass is a ten-session program that typically takes place over ten weeks. Each session is two hours. Adjustments can be made upon request. Custom and private virtual trainings are available.
  • How long does on-site training take?
    Our on-site Trauma-Informed Foundational Training is a three-day program that typically takes place over three consecutive days. Our Train the Trainer Program is a two-day program that typically takes place over two consecutive days. Adjustments can be made upon request.
  • How long does implementation last?
    Trauma-informed implementation is typically a three-year or longer process. Most organizations commit to one-year of implementation and decide each year whether they would like to continue.
  • Who can benefit from trauma-informed change?
    We believe everyone can benefit from trauma-informed change. Trauma-informed work can help you develop personally and professionally, by strengthening your relationship with yourself and others, changing your perspectives, and healing your trauma. This work is especially beneficial to people who have a greater risk of chronic stress and vicarious trauma due to their jobs, such as social workers, healthcare workers, government workers, correctional officers, educators, paraeducators, first responders, etc. Trauma-informed change is especially beneficial when applied on an organizational level, which is why we also recommend this work to leaders, such as CEOs, CFOs, team leaders, managers, directors, executives, and officers.
  • Can I use a professional development grant for your training program?
    In many cases, yes! Many of our clients use grants allocated for workforce development, professional development, and trauma-informed organizational change. If you think that trauma-informed change could align with your organization’s initiatives, reach out for a free consultation.
  • Does my state or city have trauma-informed initiatives to fund this work?
    At least nine states (CA, FL, IL, MA, MO, OR, PA, WA, and WI) have made distinct trauma-informed efforts, and trauma-informed care is increasing in popularity on the city, state, and federal level. We encourage organizations to seek federal, private, and state-sponsored funding to support this work.
  • Do you offer organizational change management services?
    Yes! Trauma-informed implementation is organizational change management. Implementation packages include a variety of services that support and oversee organizational change, including coaching & consulting, strategic planning, training programs, and more.
  • Do you offer discounts?
    Yes. Discounts are available for organizations that commit to implementation plans. Longer commitments generate greater discounts.
  • Can you come to us to complete a training program on site?
    Yes. We offer in-person and virtual training programs. We recommend providing both choices to employees to make training more accessible.
  • Is your organization minority owned?
    No. Our organization is not minority owned, but it a woman-owned business.

Book a free consultation to reserve your training dates

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