resilience training

This article was originally published in Chefalo Consulting’s December 2022 Trauma-Informed Newsletter. Healing …

When I introduce mindfulness to organizations, people usually think of deep breathing. While …

When committing to self-care is too challenging, preparing for self-care is sometimes the …

Emotional intelligence is a superpower in today’s workforce. And, leaders need to prioritize …

What does healing look like? We often think the answer will be sold …

Our clients often have broad goals like equity and employee wellness in mind. …

In looking back, we can see how far we’ve come after making great …

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting women who have made—and are …

The history of women in the workforce sheds light on gender-based inequities we …

Trauma-informed change is a revolutionary approach that acknowledges the far-reaching impact of trauma …

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