Incarceration, Homelessness & Addiction: The Foster Care Problem

I was recently asked to be on the Incarcerate US podcast that is hosted by Dante Nottingham, an inmate who has been locked up since the age of 17. As you may know, incarceration in the US is at extreme levels and touches a wide variety of social issues, topics and dilemmas.

At Incarcerate US, they believe that the solutions to our incarceration problems reside within the minds and hearts of the people. So the aim of our Incarcerate U.S. podcast is to interview a wide array of people across America to learn about how incarceration has affected them, get their perspective and the solution to our hyper-incarceration crisis and to link us all together to create one loud, unmistakable and unignorable voice.

It was one of the best interviews that I got to be a part of. Helping those involved in the criminal justice system, understand trauma and its long-lasting impacts is a true privilege, and understanding Dante’s own story of spending his youth incarcerated and trying to understand the core of his own anger is a cause worthy of us all.

I encourage you to listen to my interview and the work that Dante is accomplishing from behind prison walls.

Listen Now at: Incarcerate Us Podcast

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