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Building resilient communities
through trauma-informed change.

Trusted by 80+ communities internationally

Mother and Daughter Love

​What is trauma informed change?

Trauma-informed change prioritizes creating environments that are safe, supportive, and empowering for individuals who have experienced trauma.

What does it mean to be a trauma informed leader?

Asking Questions
Recognize the far-reaching impacts of trauma
Sending Love
Promote healing & resilience through safe, supportive environments
Being Curious
Resist causing harm through re-traumatization
Coming Together
Understand how trauma affects behaviors, relationships & overall wellbeing
Sending Love
Build systems that are responsive to the needs of trauma survivors

Join Us for Mindful Mondays

Mindful Mondays are hosted virtually on the second Monday of each month. These free networking events catalyze intentional conversations to build community as we engage in trauma-informed discussions.

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Healing Organizational Trauma

Increases employee satisfaction & retention rates

Reduces & eliminates communication silos

Creates greater diversity, equity, and inclusion

Results in healthier employees & lower healthcare costs

Improves collaboration & builds stronger teams

Expands feelings of mutual respect & loyalty

Healing Personal Trauma

Develops healthy coping strategies
Increases focus and performance
Increases creativity, confidence, and problem-solving skills
Advances emotional regulation skills
Improves physical & mental health
Builds stronger & healthier relationships
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Little Boy with Crayons

“The magnitude of young people's exposure to overwhelming stress is so great and such a threat to national well-being that the issue must be addressed as a major public health concern.”

-Dr. Sandra L. Bloom
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Shenandoah Chefalo

"Becoming trauma-informed is a journey that lasts a lifetime."

Meet Shen

Our Founder and Lead Strategist
Shenandoah Chefalo is a sought-after speaker, award-winning author, and expert trauma-informed specialist with over 20 years of leadership consulting experience with governmental, public, and private organizations.

Being overworked, overwhelmed, and burnt out is normal—but it's not what's best for us. 

Whether you, or the team you lead, is running on empty, there’s a
way to rest and recharge that will last for years to come.
Our signature method of trauma-informed coaching was developed by Shenandoah Chefalo, who survived childhood abuse and neglect before and during her placement in the broken foster care system.
Through her own healing journey, traditional education, and experiential learning, Shen developed a system of organizational change that is effective, impactful, and sustainable.

"Shenandoah Chefalo brings meaningful and impactful trauma training with practical real-world applications.”

Stephanie L, Lamphere Public Schools

Our trauma informed services meet dynamic needs

Book a free consultation

Guide to Implemetnation Download

Read Shen's memoir

Garbage Bag Suitcase

Enroll in our Masterclass

Working Together
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