Foundational Training
Build Resilience Through In-Person Learning
What to Expect

Intentional, mindful and evidence-based community building activities

Engaging sessions that catalyze powerful conversations

Accessible training on-site at a location of your choosing

Experienced trauma trainers who offer specialized support to each individual & team

Experiential learning that embraces creativity, connection and compassion

Concrete learning through reflective observation and active experimentation
Learn Trauma-Informed Concepts
How to Identify & Respond to Trauma Responses
Creating Safety at Work & Other TI Values
Cultural Humility & Historical Trauma
Strength-Based Perspective Shifting
How to Build a Trauma-Informed Culture

Practice Trauma-Informed Skills
Engaging Workshops
Community Building Sessions
Breakout Discussions
Mindfulness Exercises
Q&A Sessions

Embed Trauma-Informed Tools
Individualized Safety Plan
Self-Care Planning Kit
The Head-Heart-Gut Model
Community Meeting
Full Circle Meetings

Chefalo Consulting’s Group Norms
Class is a safe, judgment-free space where we assume the best in one another. Confidentiality allows us to be honest and vulnerable.
Commit to
Our conversations won't always have fairy-tale endings or neatly packaged answers. This work can be messy.
Our lived experiences, emotions, and beliefs are real, valid, and meant to be shared with others.
Seek Intentional Learning
We embrace mistakes since they are the hallmark of learning. Our goal during class is intentional growth and learning, never perfection.
In this class, we have hard conversations. We also learn how to ask for help and receive support from one another.
Embrace Paradox
Two things can be true at the same time. We resist black-and-white thinking that halts growth.